
Hello everyone :)

Wow I have so much to say about this past week. I guess I’ll start with when we all gathered up the last bit of things we needed, hopped in the cars and caravanned down to Three Creeks to get everything set up for Music at Midsummer. Once we got down to the campground on Tuesday we started getting the big things in place. The stage was put into place and the cars were unloaded. The property was absolutely gorgeous and was very easy to wander around. The hill to the campsite wasn’t crazy and the property wasn’t super larger either. In the campsite was the cute little Lunar Stage where more solo and acoustic sets were played. There was also a creek running past another part of the camping area with spots where you could set up next to it. There is a creek house sitting over the creek that ran from the little pond in the central area of the event. The outdoor kitchen area we set up was on the other side of the creek right near the creek house. We called the pond the beach area. It had a really awesome rope swing and some floats you could chill in. Also a really awesome banana tree right next to it. We got a lot of things out of the way on Day 1 which helped out a lot. Wednesday we really knocked out a lot of things that such as placing recycling bins, making sure compostable toilets had everything they needed, making and placing signs, setting up the stage, and many other things. Thursday was more of adding the final touches and making sure everything was all good and ready to go. There were some beautiful musicians play on Thursday night which was also the day of the solstice. I set some very powerful and intentional intentions for the rest of the year and already anchored into the present and a state of love and gratitude. I was also already meeting new and wonderful people who have such a genuine presence.

Friday is when everything was starting to get rolling and more and more people were coming in. Friday was also the full moon. Friday and the rest of the weekend was full of wandering around, meeting new people, helping out, strengthening new and current connections. So many empowering, uplifting, inspiring, and eye-opening conversations were being had everywhere. Energy of immense love, gratitude and higher vibrational awareness is being spread through so many souls and deep down into the Earths core and far, far, far into the cosmos. I met this guy Dean who seemed like I have known him before instantly hit it off and were have some very profound conversations. He has been touring around the country with everything he needs on his motorcycle. We shared a lot of understandings and ideas about consciousness, energy, our state of being as a society, the things we are capable of if we put our focus and energy towards those things and many other topics under that general umbrella. Later Friday night I was laying on the ground by the fire at the beach just looking up at the sky and he came over to join me and we talked further and deeper for who knows how long about our spiritual journeys and other things under that umbrella that I just mentioned. I didn’t get to tell him see ya later but I do have a strong feeling that I will definitely be seeing him again. Brooklyn is another soul that I met that I feel we have met before. We had lots of conversations about energy channeling, sensing of energies, 5D consciousness and many other amazing topics. She emits a very strong energy that could be felt by everyone, especially one morning when she was meditating by the water. I was walking by and I felt a surge of energy come up through my feet and out through my crown as well as cover my being. I later talked to her about it and she said that she was extending her energy down to the Earths core, far into the cosmos, and as far out in all directions from her body as she could go. Later on she led me through a guided meditation which helped me center and ground my energy very strongly. After the meditation was over we climbed on top of the meditation hut, combined our energies and sent a field of love, gratitude and uplifting energy deep down into the core of the Earth, far into the cosmos and as far out from our centers as possible. We also sent lots of energy to the group of people watching the band that was playing at the time. Afterwards I went and hit a really nice boogie. I also later met Brooklyns’ partner Sunguh who had a very mystical and healing energy about them. Whenever we would have a conversation it was as if we didn’t need to use words and every time words were used they seemed almost inadequate to convey the understandings we shared. I had also just gotten demolished by some sweat bees and I told them and then they said hang on a sec and when they came back they had some plantain, they told me what it does and how to use it and after I applied it the stinging and itchiness was pretty much gone within 10 minutes. Plantain is a leafy ground cover plant that typically grows with grass and is used to stop bug bites and rashes from itching and causing discomfort. The way to use it is to pick a leaf, chew it a bit and then rub it on the area where the bite/rash is and then give it a few minutes. The next morning it was like I didn’t even get bit whereas I had gotten a bite on my forearm one day, didn’t use any Plantain and it swelled a lot and was also tender and it took a almost 2 days for the swelling to go away.

Saturday was just as magickal as any other day of the week. There was a game of capture the flag that I didn’t participate in because I was helping get people checked in. However I heard about it later and unfortunately this guy hurt his leg pretty bad but he did not let it stop him. He had a wonderful friend and community helping him the rest of his time at the festival and he even had a giant bamboo staff to help hold him up. He was even up at the stage hitting some fun little boogies regardless of his injured leg. Since I have heard that his leg is really messed but he is doing well. There was also a game of tug-of-war happen in the water hole at the beach that I got to take part in and it was so much fun. My team won the first 2 games but the other team got us on the last one. It’s been forever since I’ve played tug-of-war and it was an absolute blast. There was also a baby waterfall on the property that was so nice to go to to decompress and cool off, have a snack break, and even take a nice little shower. During the whole time there were so many fun little jam circles and some amazing people fire spinning which I’d never seen before. It was mesmerizing. I also sleep in an eno for the first time this week. My friend had set hers up but ended up not sleeping in it so she let me and I stayed in it every single night and will be going ot get my own today. There is something so relaxing and nice about sleeping out in the woods with everything else and being able to hear all of the wonderful creatures out there make their fun little sounds. I got to see Darby Wilcox and hear her say some real ass shit that not only but I am sure many others needed to hear. I also got to see my wonderful friends play for the first time and they put on a hell of a show. There were so so so many other amazing musicians play some incredible sets and play some of the most wonderful and beautiful music I’ve ever heard. I also met an incredible group of people that live in Montana that my friends used to live with and they were telling me all about it and how they live in a seasonal town and have lots of seasonal jobs available and that I should definitely come out there with everyone this winter season. So I might be going to Montana sooner than expected but it’ll be with some of the most wonderful people the world has ever seen. Also there was probably a world record amount of PB&Js consumed this week. Not only that but my friend Ava was cooking for all of the staff and volunteers and she made some of the best food I have ever eaten this week. She really held it down and kept everyone fueled and ready for anything. We also painted my friends bus which was so so so much fun. I have never taken part in a community art project like that and it was so much fun to watch how it all came to life.

Sunday was a decompress and light clean up day. There was a big focus on Leave No Trace at MaM and everyone did an excellent job of it. There was a festival there the week prior to ours and when we got there we were picking up micro-trash from the moment we got out of the car. When we did the walk through after MaM to gather up all the trash bags and pick up micro-trash there was less micro-trash than when we got there. I was thoroughly surprised by that. It was the cleanest I had ever seen a post-festival. I also set up a Free Shit table at the beginning of the week. The sign read “Free Stuff, Please add to it or take from it. Whatever is left at the end of the week gets donated”. It was set up right in the main area because there was a perfectly good table already made there. It was a huge hit, so many people used it. I got rid of 97% of the stuff I had brought. Since I am moving into my car I figured that would be the best way to re-home the things I didn’t need and it was the best way. I even scored a pot, pan, reusable travel plates, and some stirring spoons from the table which is perfect since I didn’t have anything like that to take with me. I also got an extra ratchet strap and a friend gave me a really nice headlight that has a red light setting. I also found a really nice hatchet that is also a hammer and unscrews at the handle for a knife, or flint, whistle, or window breaker. We also had a really fun water gun fight on Sunday and spent lots of time just chillin, hanging out, jamming, making art and enjoying the decompression. We also watched watched Ella Enchanted because it’s a super silly movie that also hits on a lot of points about how the world is especially with what is currently going on in the world. We also gathered in a circle on Sunday to go around and talk about pleasant surprises we had during the event and to also talk about continuing to carry the energy, awareness, and knowledge that we gained during the whole time. It was super empowering and uplifting and definitely a great way to finish off the event. There were also so many wonderful workshops throughout the event such as an ecology walk, herbal medicines, guided meditation and tarot readings, daily morning yoga and many other things. The morning yoga was absolutely incredible as well and definitely helped start the day. There were also so many conversations about our inner child and how people were finally letting theirs back out and healing them and nourishing them. It is very important to always let your inner child walk hand in hand with you and allow it the space to be free and silly. Also nourish your inner child for it is a vital part of our well-being and ability to live a fun, fulfilling and happy life.

Monday was the day we really got to it and got everything else packed up, loaded up and brought back to the Skunk Farm. We left the property way better than when we found it and we were able to pack up very smoothly and very quickly. Huge shoutout to Kari and Damon for allowing us to use the property and to be so kind and welcoming. Damon was super helpful and was also having a good time himself watching the music and even participating in the jam sessions. Also shoutout to Jason who let us use his land for additional parking and for helping with shuttling people. And another very huge shoutout to everyone involved in helping to make the festival happen and to also help it go so smooth. I have so so so much love and appreciation for each and every one of you. To the new friends and current friends thank you all for being who you are and for the presence you bless the world with. Each and every one of you are incredible and unique and are destined for great things. I am very excited to grow with each of you.

Thank you all for stopping by, much love to you all and I will see you next time :)

“It is so important for people to remember that we’re the creator of our lives instead of the victim of it”

-Dr. Joe Dispenza


The Ashram in Virginia

